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Black Graduation "Black Grad" Frequently Asked Questions

I participated in a previous ceremony, but I didn't get to see the recording. Where can I find it?

Use the buttons below to access the appropriate recordings.

2021 Black Graduation Ceremony

2022 Black Graduation Ceremony

2023 Black Graduation Ceremony

Can I participate in both Black Grad and my other commencement ceremonies?

Absolutely!  Black Graduation is not meant to take the place of your other commencement ceremonies.  We try our best to ensure that the Black Graduation Ceremony does not interfere with other ceremonies taking place during commencement weekend (like other identity-based ceremonies, college ceremonies, etc.).  

The Black Graduation Ceremony is a pre-commencement celebration to honor students who have successfully completed an undergraduate or graduate/professional degree from the University of California San Diego. The event recognizes their accomplishment and provides an opportunity for graduates to honor significant people who have helped them achieve their goal.

When does the Black Graduation Ceremony take place?

The Black Graduation Ceremony takes place every year during Finals Week of Spring Quarter.  The ceremony is typically held on the Friday evening of Finals Week with check-in starting in the afternoon.

The 2025 Black Graduation Ceremony will take place on Friday June 13, 2025 4PM PST at LionTree Arena

The ceremony starts at 4:00pm, but graduates will be asked to arrive earlier. More details will be provided regarding arrival time and will be shared at a later date. 

Where do I park the day of?

  • Guests are instructed to enter the campus via Campus Point Drive to Voigt Dr.
  • Event signage will be placed from Genesee Ave. and Campus Point Dr. directing Black Grad guests to the Hopkins Structure.
  • Disabled cart service will be available from the Super Computer driveway to the elevator leading to the Lion Tree Arena.

Can I bring balloons to graduation?

The following items are restricted in venue:

  • NO pets allowed: Service animals specifically trained to assist a person with a disability are welcome
  • NO artificial noisemakers as in airhorns, bull horns, and portable speakers
  • NO tabacco or vaping usage allowed or the appearance there of
  • NO weapons, drug paraphernalia, or illegal substance 
  • NO oversized bags or coolers. Bags can be no larger that 16"x8"x16". No backpacks allowed
  • NO outside food or beverages other than personal resuable water bottles
  • NO unauthorized video and/or audio recording devices, tripods, and self-sticks
  • NO bottles or cans
  • NO skates, skateboards, hoverboards, scooters, or roller skates
  • NO drones or umbrellas
  • NO laser pointers
  • NO items that jeopordize the safety, viewing (i.e. balloons or posters), listening pleasure, or enjoyment of other guest deemed by the Event Management to be unsafe or prohibited

All Persons and items are subject to inspection and confiscation by the Event Management of the Venue, Security Staff and UC San Diego Police Department. If you have questions about the LionTree policy please ask to speak with an Event Manager on Duty.

How do I reserve my Kente Stole?

All participants in the Black Graduation Ceremony will be presented with a Kente Stole during the ceremony. All graduates must pay a $20 refundable participation fee, which must be paid by the last registration date of FridayMay 2, 2025 @11:59 PM. Following the Black graduation ceremony participants will recieve a reimburesment of their $20 within a timeframe of 10 -14 business days. The deposit will not be refunded if the graduate does not attend the Black Graduation ceremony. 

Do I receive my diploma at Black Grad?

Note, the university will mail you your diploma after your degree requirements have been verified.  All students will be presented with a certificate of achievement during the Black Graduation Ceremony.  Learn more about the process of receiving your diploma on Tritonlink.

How many guests can I bring to the ceremony?

Typically, there aren't any limits on how many guests students can bring with them to the Black Graduation Ceremony.  When registering to attend, we will ask you how many guests you anticipate bringing so that we have an accurate count for the ceremony.

I am a Faculty/Administrator, how can I participate in the Black Grad Ceremony?

We are excited that you are interested in being a part of the Black Graduation Ceremony!  Typically we have faculty and administrators sit on the stage in their regalia and help us celebrate our graduating students.  If you are interested, please fill out our RSVP form for Faculty and Administrators.

I am not graduating, but I want to volunteer to help! How can I sign-up to volunteer?

We can always use help with large scale events like Black Grad!  Please fill out our volunteer form and we will contact you when we do our call for volunteers.


How do I know if I am eligible for the Black Graduation Ceremony?

In order to participate in the Black Graduation Ceremony, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a registered undergraduate student OR a graduate/professional student
  • You must fill out the registration form and place your deposity by the Friday, May 2, 2025 @ 11:59 PM.
  • You must complete your degree requirements by the end of the Fall Quarter after the ceremony takes place.
    • For example, for the 2025 Black Graduation Ceremony, students must complete their degree requirements by the end of Fall Quarter 2025.
      • Note: Students who graduate in Fall have the option of participating in the ceremony the following year.

I don't know if I will finish my degree requirements by Spring. Can I still register to participate?

The Black Graduation Ceremony is open to students who will finish their degree requirements by the following Fall.  (For example, for the 2025 Black Graduation Ceremony, students who will finish their degree requirements in Summer Session 2025 are still eligible as well as students who will finish in Fall Quarter 2025

If you register for the ceremony and then later decide that you would rather participate in the ceremony the following year due to extending your time at UC San Diego, just let us know!


When does registration open for Black Grad?

Registration is currently open for Black Grad. 

Please check out the BRC Website for additional information regarding the ceremony.

You may also follow our IG @UCSDBRC for more information.

The BRC typically sends an email to students who are considered "eligible for graduation" once the registration opens up.  We will also have flyers posted on social media, our e-newsletter, as well as throughout the Black Resource Center.

Link to register:

Link for deposit:

Am I required to wear my cap and gown to the ceremony?

Yes, please wear your cap and gown. UC San Diego photographers will be present to capture your special moment. Stoles will be presented to you as you walk across the stage.

I missed the registration deadline! What can I do?

We understand that things happen and emails can sometimes go overlooked.  If you missed the registration deadline, immediately contact The Black Resource Center at or (858) 534-0471 to see if you can still participate in the ceremony.

Do I have to pay to participate in Black Grad?

All graduates must pay a $20 refundable participation fee, which must be paid by the last registration date of May 2, 2025. Following the Black graduation ceremony participants will recieve a reimburesment of their $20 within a timeframe of 10 -14 business days. The deposit will not be refunded if the graduate does not attend the Black Graduation ceremony.

I already registered for Black Graduation, but I have edits to my registration. Who do I contact?

Please contact our Facilities, Operations, & Events Coordinator for updates to your Black Grad registration.

I already registered for Black Graduation, can I receive a copy of my registration?

Please contact our Facilities, Operations, & Events Coordinator for a PDF copy of your Black Grad registration.

I registered for Black Grad, but did not submit a picture. When do I need to submit it?

Pictures for the Black Graduation program/slideshow must be received by no later than Week 6 of Spring Quarter.  Students who have registered for Black Grad will be contacted during Spring Quarter for their pictures.

If you are ready to submit your picture, or would like to change the picture you initially submitted, please email your picture to our Facilities, Operations, & Events Coordinator.